American Hustle: Appearance & Reality

American Hustle opens, with a classic scene of Irving affixing a hairpiece to his bald scalp and then constructing an elaborate comb over.  We sense from the opening we are in the presence of someone who makes a great effort carefully to construct a false appearance.           We are not who … <Read More>

In a Word

That’s what the NY Times account quotes Secretary of State John Kerry as assuring the Egyptian leaders about the Obama administration’s decision to suspend the delivery of major weapons systems to this troubled country.   No, not a punishment for deposing, and arresting the Islamist president.  Not a punishment for putting … <Read More>

Justice Delayed

Think of how terrible it must be to fear needles and know that you’re scheduled for a shot.  To make it worse, the doctor tricked Ronald Phillips by examining the poor fellow to locate a good vein during a checkup.  That’s what happened – at least if we believe Phillips … <Read More>