Excerpted in Books

Law school casebooks

  • Dubber and Kellman,  American Criminal Law: Cases, Statutes, and Comments 2nd Edition (New York, NY: ThompsonReuters/Foundation Press, 2009)pg. 33-35
  • Cynthia Lee and Angela Harris, Criminal Law: Cases and Materials  1st Edition (St.Paul, MN: Thompson/West, 2005) pg.21-35, (longest single commentary excerpted from “Haven or Hell?”)
  • Cynthia Lee and Angela Harris, Criminal Law: Cases and Materials 2nd Edition (St.Paul, MN: West Academic Publishing pg, 2005)


  • Robert L. Bartley, Whitewater: The Impeachment and Trial of William Jefferson Clinton (New York, NY: Wall Street Journal/Dow Jones & Company, Inc., 1999)
  • Russell G. Murphy, Voices of the Death Penalty Debate: A Citizen’s Guide to Capital Punishment (Lake Mary, FL: Vandeplas Publishing, 2010)
  • Dennis Jay Kenney, Police and Policing: Contemporary Issues(New York, NY: Praeger Publishers,1989)